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Last Updated:
12/15/2018 2:22 PM


  TANKS,Inc Tending Abandoned needy Kats Sanctuary

TANKS, Inc. - Our Story

Cindy's cat was aging and ill. TANK developed Diabetes, and needed special care.

There was a need!!  Senior cats at the Humane Society were not doing well. They were stressed.  Injured cats were stressed.  You looked in their eyes and you could see their soul.  They were frightened!  They were in pain! 

There was concern!!  They had to be taken out in order to survive!

TANKS, Inc. Tending Abandoned Needy Kats Sanctuary opened its doors to ten (10) needy cats in 2001.  Cindy McCollough took these precious creatures in her home and gave them the love and care they needed.  "What she did for love."

More cats needed to be rescued.  November 1, 2009 TANKS, Inc. formed a 501 (c) 3 Non-profit organization dedicated to helping Senior and Special Needs cats.  Their mission was to rescue these animals from shelters and give them a second chance at life.

TANKS, Inc. grew and grew. Cindy got involved with Sarasota Animal Services.  As more cats needed to be rescued, more space was needed to accommodate them.  TANKS, Inc. moved to five acres in the beautiful countryside of Myakka City, Florida.

Cindy brought her dream to fruition!!  She has dedicated her life to saving these beautiful kitties.  Her purpose is to give longer, happier lives to the cats.  With lots of love and excellent care, they regain a feeling of belonging.  They are safe and protected. 

Some of the animals that are rescued are adoptable and the goal is to find them forever, loving homes.

The majority of the cats at TANKS, Inc. CAT SANCTUARY FOR SENIOR AND SPECIAL NEEDS CATS will live their entire life there.

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR THE CATS!   You can Sponsor a kitty for just $20.00 a month.  You can make a donation.  100% of your dollars is Tax Deductible!

Thank you for reading OUR STORY!  I hope you'll join us to make a difference!

With best wishes and our sincere gratitude,

Cindy McCollough
Founder and President-TANKS, Inc.

5150 Wauchula Road
Myakka City, Florida 34251
Website: www.tankscatrescue.org

TANKS, Inc. is a Florida 501 (c)3 Non-Profit Corporation
FEI #01-0935224
Tax Exempt #85-8015502145C-2


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